Wendy Staas...one of our members at FreeAgentAcademy.com, posted a discussion in our member's community, titled "Not all who wander are lost." She followed it with, "This is very true. All of us at one point or another wonder who we are and where we came from. what is our purpose? So many of us question this."
This is viewed as a huge question. We document people on quests of a lifetime...glorifying them for seeking out their true purpose. I won't minimize it...or dare to simplify it. Actually, who am I kidding...yes I will.
Who are you serving?
I honestly think that's it. And it's not a religious answer. Spiritual...but not religious. If you want to make a million bucks and drive a Ferrari...figure out who you are serving...and serve them.
My kids own the movie 'ROBOTS.' In it, the wise, old guy in the movie recites the key to success as, "See a need...fill a need!"
Who do you desire...or are equipped...to serve? Figure out who they are...and stop at nothing to fill their needs!
If you have family, they come first. No grand 'work' surpasses your responsibility to first serve them. If you are a stay at home parent, they alone are sufficient to serve. If you are working for sustaining revenue, then first, you are merely supporting what's happening at home. Don't aggrandize your work above that.
Your secondary purpose then...is to additionally serve others in your work. But don't cop out and believe you can work a miserable, meaningless job just in the name of getting a paycheck to pay for home life. The world is too needy, and needs your 40-60 hours per week serving in the capacity you were uniquely gifted in. And back to their family, you can't serve them sufficiently if you are miserable.
And therein resides the truthfully big question regarding your work. There are many jobs that in all reality, serve no one. Not really. Not with anything truly life-giving.
Then there are jobs that may serve people to some extent, but you weren't created and gifted to be the one in that job. You are being dishonest to yourself and those people. You are filling someone else's role. You were created with special skills, abilities and cares that people are waiting to receive. Again, might be 5 people, might be 5 million. Probably in between...
My favorite quote to pick on is "Build it and they will come." Nope. Wrong.
Try..."Serve them and they will come." And they'll come again and again and bring their friends and family and everyone they can find.
Who were you made to serve?
My brother Jared (http://www.keza.com) was created to serve the defenseless...the walked upon. He's doing it. It's his calling. Those he serves are blessed. His friends and family are blessed because he is a whole man. He is blessed cause he's doing what he's head over heals passionate about. He trains and supports Rwandan women in creating jewelry and selling it at a premium price. KEZA was featured on QVC and sold over 1,000 necklaces in 4 minutes.
My dear friend Scott Stearman (http://www.scottstearman.com) was created to serve humanity with enduring monuments of faith...via life size bronze sculptures. He wasn't even exposed to it till age 30 and didn't create his first sculpture till he was 32. Today at 56, he is sought out nationally to produce sculptures of military and faith-based figures at near 6-figure prices.
Jay Peroni (http://www.jayperoni.com) was created to serve people in their financial stewardship...specifically investing. He helps people serve their faith and provision with wisdom and morality in their investments. He gets paid very, very well to provide this value.
These guys have a craft, but the burning passion is for who they are serving. That's what drives them.
Find who you are to serve. It will clarify and drive everything else.
By far this is your best post. I think about this stuff all the time and what you had to say was crystal clear. Thank you for writing such a treasure. You are a blessing to this world made for greatness.
Posted by: Jory | July 04, 2009 at 12:49 PM
Kevin, by far your worst post ever. Just kidding. Jory's right, it was your best. My favorite..."There are many jobs that in all reality, serve no one." I feel like MOST jobs serve the purpose of giving other people work but a majority DO NOT serve a greater good in our world.
I've quit 4 jobs in the last 3 years and I'm happier than ever before. I'm never going to settle again. I will serve people and they will come. Most of all I'll love doing it. Thanks for your kindred heart and words.
Posted by: Andy Traub | July 04, 2009 at 12:58 PM
I have been in somewhat of a quandary about my own direction & calling at 46...This article has helped me tremendously. Thank you for sharing your gift with the ones for whom YOU were called!!
Posted by: Ross Yingling | July 04, 2009 at 02:28 PM
I agree 100%...clarifying who I am meant to serve and how I can best serve them is helping me grow my coaching business and feel good about my contribution to the world. No amount of money from a job that doesn't provide anything of lasting value but instead encourages people to buy more stuff they don't need is enough to compensate for selling your soul! I just hope I remember that during the lean times when I think I have to take a job I don't want in order to survive.
Posted by: Wendi Gordon | July 04, 2009 at 03:39 PM
Hey Kevin,
I'm a first time responder but not a first time reader. Well done and well said! I was touched recently by a definition of success coined many years ago by Earl Nightingale. He said success was "the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." What could be more worthy than being yourself and serving those using the gifts you were given to do so?
Bravo, Bravo, Bravo my friend!
Thank you for being who you are!
Posted by: Bruce Noll | July 04, 2009 at 05:49 PM
Hi Kevin!
Happy July 4th!
Thanks for being who you are, first, and, for doing what you do so well, second. May God be glorified!
Times are changing rapidly! People are asking different questions, and values are being re-evaluated. There truly is no higher calling than to serve!
There's never been a more interesting time to be alive!
Although I must confess that I'm still trading my time for a paycheck, I've also started being of service in the Health & Wellness industry by educating people with helpful alternatives. "Change your thinking and you'll change your life" is not anything new, unless you haven't explored options available to you.
Indeed, "there is nothing new under the son," -Ecclesiastes (the Bible).
Hoping to see you in September!
God bless EVERYONE!
Please do tell how one gets a Typekey or Typepad account, will you? Thanks!
Posted by: Terry Chandler | July 04, 2009 at 06:34 PM
It's likely not even necessary for me to comment on this amazing post because you, Teri and all my FAA friends know full well this post hit me right in the center of my heart. Yet, I comment because as I am still laying on my couch working (or not working, but resting) to recover and still battling in my mind what to do next you have AGAIN through your amazing inspirational way of writing given me the answer. The battle is over and the resignation is on its way. I KNOW who I am here to serve and I am ready to give it all that remains in me after my service to my God, my husband and my children. Thank you for sharing your gift with us!
Posted by: Rona Davis, The Word Warrior | July 04, 2009 at 07:39 PM
I think one of the most frustrating things in this world is too know that u are uniquely equipped to change the world in your way, and then not strive daily towards doing it. I've often described it as feeling like a soda pop that's been shaken but the top is still on...there is a lot of bubbling and as soon as the top is taken off the soda explodes! The key is getting the top off!! We can't sit back waiting on someone to take it off for us.
Thanks Kevin, this article has revitalized me even more.
Posted by: Robin May | July 04, 2009 at 09:24 PM
I agree with Jory, this is your best post. Maybe, it is because it hits the nail right on the head for me. I am ready to leave an unsatisfying yet high paying job to serve people with my own business that fills a need. This will also allow me to spend more time serving at my local church. I truly believe that I will then be freely using the gifts I have been given.
Posted by: Dan | July 05, 2009 at 04:10 AM
I love "serve them and they will come."
I've found the more and BETTER I learn to serve, the more they come.
Live It Forward,
Kent Julian
Posted by: Kent Julian | July 05, 2009 at 07:09 AM
Kevin Thank you for your thoughts and comments, as you pointed out the key ingredient is passion. As our country celebrates its birthday I wanted to share this poem and a reminder of what each of us must continue to have a passion for; A PASSION FOR FREEDOM
When freedom is your passion and compassion is your guide
The greatness of our nation is just welling up inside
Whether singing of our anthem or reciting of our pledge
You know the flames still burning, though we teetered on the edge.
The torch has been passed for generations, as freedoms been fought for ‘round the world
Making us the envy of all other nations and the dreams of every boy and girl.
We have often taken for granted the blessings and choices we’ve been given each day
People gave their lives for our freedom, yet complacency had become our way
Well, no war is ever over, till the last person lays down his gun
No day has ever ended, without the setting of the sun.
So our choices are there to be taken and with compassion and work we’ll survive
When we’re willing to fight for our freedom, our country will continue to thrive.
So, commit to your plan of action, to make our nation a better place to live
Go out and touch the lives of other people, your dreams will be fulfilled when you give.
Don’t think, “I’m just one person, what can I do” or “I don’t have any time left to give”
Freedom is our obligation to the future, so the dreams of our children will live.
We can do nothing and accept what we’re given or expect nothing and get all that we earn
So do something and develop a habit, by which generations of nations can learn
We’re a nation that was born out of values, by founding fathers whose purpose was pure
When we help one another regain what’s important, we’re a nation who will always endure.
By Carl Morris
©2002 Carl Morris, [email protected]
As i struggle to determine how to best provide for my family, I understand I can no longer ignore all that is taking place in our nation today that can have the most devastating effect on our Children and Grandchildren's future freedom's and liberties.
Posted by: Carl Morris | July 05, 2009 at 10:12 AM
Find a need ... help fill it.
Find a problem ... help solve it.
Find a hurt ... help heal it.
Find a stranger ... be a friend to them.
Find a success ... applaud it.
Find an insightful blog ... and comment on it! Nice work Kevin.
Posted by: Chuck Bowen | July 05, 2009 at 10:43 PM
Wow Kevin... Very insightful post, Thank you for the inspiration!
You make a clear point about the old saying "build it and they will come". "Serve them and they will come" is much more accurate and gives true definition to finding and filling a need. We must be of service first... Then eventually, they will come.
Posted by: Rob Clinton | July 06, 2009 at 07:16 AM
Kevin, I totally agree with what your saying but I thing there is more, here is my take:
Maybe it is not just about what others need but about your need also.
Many things we do stem from a deep need that is felt within. Ever since I can remember I have had a deep need for answers to questions that arise in the midst of my daily life. I wanted to know the truth of many things especially things that reality presented to me. And I didn't want status quo answers either. I saw right through them. Made up or fictitious answers did not sit well with me. Because I question so much I tend to get others to question also. I love getting people to question things and strive to go deeper into what reality presents to us. What happens when we do this? It seems to open the flood gates of ideas. Ideas come about that move people and that are worth spreading. These ideas are not necessarily for me but for the people I talk to. And you know, I am slowly starting to get paid for this interaction. And it is what I love to do most.
As, I write this am questioning what I am writing. I wonder if all this stems from the need to be creative like our Creator. But again, it seems the best way for me to be creative is when it comes from a need or a desire for something more. BUT SEE, we are not the only ones with those same needs. If you have started to explore that need and trying to be creative in answering it then you have created a method that other people can use.
Here is an example: We all have heard that classical music is wonderful and has many wonderful benefits. Say that you have a need to understand this and be transformed by it. You start to explore, get educated and start to fulfill that need. Well, you just created a method for others that have that same need which they can use and be fulfilled themselves.
Take a look at your deepest needs. Don't run from them. They are part of our humanity.
Posted by: Elias Salem | July 06, 2009 at 10:01 AM
Wonderfully said, Kevin! As well as very insightful and inspirational to those who are trying to become and also those who are already free agents. I agree with Jory and love your quote “Serve them and they will come” …again and again. I see you have found your God given talent and living it.
Posted by: Ava Warner | July 06, 2009 at 11:24 AM
Very well said -- interesting how just a few of my words help stimulate such a powerful message within you that had to be share with the group. Thank you for the recognition -- I, though I wander -- am not Lost. . . and with this fantastic group, will make a very important strategic move.
Chuck stated a great summary above:
"Find a need ... help fill it.
Find a problem ... help solve it.
Find a hurt ... help heal it.
Find a stranger ... be a friend to them.
Find a success ... applaud it."
My calling is still hidden within my soul to be unlocked -- and the Heavenly Father will reveal it when he is ready -- but I truly enjoy blogging and helping others with simple insight. -- perhaps. . . there is something there.
Blessings, my friend - - may you and your family always be blessed!
Posted by: wendy staas | July 06, 2009 at 09:35 PM
Great Post! I think it's one more piece in the puzzle for identifying pupose, life and direction. I bet this speaks to the soul of all who read it. It carries in it's essence the words of Christ to His followers; "Those who seek to gain (keep) their lives will loose it, Those who loose it for my sake (give it away; invest it in people) will be fulfilled"(paraphrased)
Thanks Again
Posted by: Dennis Lutz | July 23, 2009 at 08:15 AM