We covered a lot of ground in this show with me seeking couples to work with, announcing an interview for next Tuesday's show with NASCAR star Kenny Wallace, then a long chat with Andy Traub on the necessity of just getting started.
Yesterday I made a post that I'm looking for two couple to work personally with on the journey to free agency. I was alerted this morning that the submission form was not working, so if you went to apply and couldn't, my apologies. The details are posted here and the submission form is here.
Next, our professor of ROADMAP at Free Agent Academy, James Woosley, is joining us on Tuesday's show (May 24 at 11am Mountain time here) to interview NASCAR racing start Kenny Wallace. James is a big NASCAR fan and appreciates the fact that Kenny is a true, blue free agent. We'll talk about his journey and what being a free agent means to him.
The bulk of our show today was with Andy Traub, whose business is at www.MoreProfitTechnology.com. Andy is our 'ONLINE' professor at Free Agent Academy. He's a free agent, a family man and a great paradigm shifter regarding the realities of free agency and business.
Our primary focus was on the need to just-get-started. This is a soapbox for Andy, and rightly so. You owe it to yourself to listen to what he had to say in the show replay below. Here are a few quotable quotes Andy rolled off:
"Failure is an option, as long as it's not fatal." - Andy Traub
"Perfection is an excuse." - Andy Traub
Then he took us through these stages of starting and building your business:
- Permission = You believe you can create something and you start the process. Gotta give yourself permission.
- Unprofessional = Don't put that crap out there and expect to make a living or change lives. If you're going to do something then care enough to do a good job.
- Good Enough = You can start here but you better keep learning. You can ship at this point. Most people spend 90% of their timeline between Unprofessional and Good enough.
- Professional = You've had to refine what you're doing but you're a pro in other's eyes and in your own mind.
- Perfection = It's a myth and an excuse. It doesn't exist and we use it as an excuse not to create things that matter.
Andy is also the host of 'The Unofficial Linchpin Podcast' and co-host of Business Tech Weekly with Cliff Ravenscraft.
Free Agent Underground Show - "Seeking couples, NASCAR and free agency and just getting started"
Way to encourage couples in this Free Agent Venture! That's one way to MAKE your marriage work!
I listened to the podcast twice~maybe I'm slow....or it was so packed full I had to listened again to make sure I didn't miss anything. Really, really enjoyed this one! Actually had to stop doin my chores and get my notepad and pen so I could take notes.
Muchas gracias,
Posted by: Carolyne | May 21, 2011 at 09:22 PM
Glad it spoke to you. Take some action!
Posted by: Andy | July 31, 2011 at 11:23 AM