Join the self-employment revolution.
Own Your Work - Live Your Life
free agent - noun: a person not under compulsion or constraint who is self-determining, not responsible to any [human] authority for his or her actions [aka: employment]
We brought NASCAR star Kenny Wallace onto our live show today in order to interview him on his life as a free agent. Self-employed.
We got WAY more than we bargained for, and it's all good. More than good, it was GOLD. Over 100 people tuned in live, and this will motivate the many of thousands who hear the podcast.
My friend and a Professor at Free Agent Academy, James Woosley, brought Kenny on the show and spearheaded some great questions that steered our time to some real depth and heart.
Kenny, who admittedly is often a self-described goof-ball in public, spent 45 minutes sharing an impassioned and fairly serious message about our responsibility to discover our passions and go after them. And that self-employment is a key way to live them out.
Kenny got out of highschool and knew he wanted to race cars. He believes there is an epidemic in our current society of 32-36 year olds who don't know what they want to do in their life. "The most important thing you must have coming out of high school or college is a passion and know what you want to do in your life," he quipped during the show.
"You'll know you're doing what you want to do when the days roll together," he continued. In our modern society of dreading Mondays, looking at Wednesday as 'hump day' and living for Friday, Kenny truly shared a burdon that people by far and large have accepted this.
"It's a gift to know what you want to do," he continued. But don't for a second think that he just had an easy road. He's worked hard and done a lot to make his free agent life a reality. Along with racing cars, he owns 12 rental homes that he invested in during a high point in his finances. Those provide income today. He also took on being a spokesperson for two companies.
Kenny got fairly adamant about living wisely and purposefully. "Instead of buying a new car or bigger home or diamond studded Rolex, save up for a rainy day! Those 'things' are just little trophies." Kenny inspired us to stay humble and pursue a life of consequence and meaning. Not because he did it right to begin from, he learned from his mistakes.
He ended the show referencing an old boxing legend. When someone mentioned to the boxer that he'd been knocked down a tremendous amount, he replied with, "Yep, but I got up more than anybody." Kenny cites that as a key to his success.
Listen to the full show below for the whole story...and get inspired. But don't stop there. Do something about it.
Yesterday I made a post that I'm looking for two couple to work personally with on the journey to free agency. I was alerted this morning that the submission form was not working, so if you went to apply and couldn't, my apologies. The details are posted here and the submission form is here.
Next, our professor of ROADMAP at Free Agent Academy, James Woosley, is joining us on Tuesday's show (May 24 at 11am Mountain time here) to interview NASCAR racing start Kenny Wallace. James is a big NASCAR fan and appreciates the fact that Kenny is a true, blue free agent. We'll talk about his journey and what being a free agent means to him.
The bulk of our show today was with Andy Traub, whose business is at Andy is our 'ONLINE' professor at Free Agent Academy. He's a free agent, a family man and a great paradigm shifter regarding the realities of free agency and business.
Our primary focus was on the need to just-get-started. This is a soapbox for Andy, and rightly so. You owe it to yourself to listen to what he had to say in the show replay below. Here are a few quotable quotes Andy rolled off:
"Failure is an option, as long as it's not fatal." - Andy Traub "Perfection is an excuse." - Andy Traub
Then he took us through these stages of starting and building your business:
Permission = You believe you can create something and you start the process. Gotta give yourself permission.
Unprofessional = Don't put that crap out there and expect to make a living or change lives. If you're going to do something then care enough to do a good job.
Good Enough = You can start here but you better keep learning. You can ship at this point. Most people spend 90% of their timeline between Unprofessional and Good enough.
Professional = You've had to refine what you're doing but you're a pro in other's eyes and in your own mind.
Perfection = It's a myth and an excuse. It doesn't exist and we use it as an excuse not to create things that matter.
So...if you feel 'called' to do or achieve something in and for your life, what justifies putting it off? Examples:
You feel you aren't giving adequate time to your family/kids, OR
You don't see much opportunity for increasing your income in your current vocation and fear finances as you get older, OR
Your mind is often consumed with a mission/ministry/service you know you could/should provide, OR
You know that in your current life you are slowly becoming more numb and discouraged and despairing (depressed?) due to negative circumstances or purposelessness, OR
You have no time to have balance and health in your life, etc…
Your personal confidence and belief is just...shot.
If the word 'called' doesn't resonate, then replace it with whatever word works for you, such as 'burdened' or 'impassioned.' The point being that every morning and all day, there is a cloud over your life that the present circumstances are not OK. They can't go on forever. You're not content.
And let me make the point that there are MANY, MANY people leading inconsequential lives who do NOT feel much pain as a result. They haven't, and maybe never will be, awakened to more. They'll never serve others or impact another person. They'll just exist, like packing peanuts (filler) in a gift box. You aren't them, for better or worse.
If you aren't actively doing something to change things however, why? Seriously. What is honestly a reasonable justification to put things off? What goes through your head? I'll do it when… - Kids are older, - Job is more secure, - I have enough money set aside or get out of debt, - Just till things calm down some,
What else, or what do you think about putting off and delaying important things?
Read more further down below:
I posted this discussion on Facebook and talked over the comments in the Free Agent Underground Show. You can read some really inciteful comments here:
In the show I shared about how Dave Ramsey built his business while still working out of debt. Dan Miller did the same with 48 Days. If those guys had waited till they had all their ducks in a row, we wouldn't have all benefited from what they felt convicted to do.
My story is very much the same. I'm just nearing the end of the hole I dug for myself with past business and financial failures. I'm grateful I didn't wait, as my kids are getting older fast and the lifestyle that I felt convicted to provide for now or never.
Is this a call to throw caution to the wind, not count the costs, risk everything and go after your dreams?
Have caution. Count the costs. Seek counsel. Repeat.
But going after what you you truly believe is best WILL have risks. It WILL be overwhelming. It WILL take much sacrifice. You WILL work harder than every before. The only way to avoid those realities is to do...nothing. Try to stay safe and under the radar.
Do you really think life will subside and the time will ever be right?
I remember the first time I met Joel Boggess in Franklin, TN at the '48 Days' compound. He showed up with 50 other people who were interested in self-employment. He joined our community and became one of the more persistent people I've ever known. He always showed up, he always asked questions and he always took action on what he learned.
Today he's full time self-employed, doing what he loves, with a book and TV interviews and a growing audience of people he influences.
Every day I feel less and less clarity on 'having everything figured out.' But I can show up, ask questions and implement something. Joel inspires me, and his story will inspire you.
Here are some highlights from the show:
He hung up his tie at Morgan STanley on Nov. 30 2006, after discussing with his wife Pei, where they wanted to see themselves in 5 years.
He realized he spent all his time creating wealth for other people.
Hey wanted to discover how he could work in a way that supported them financially, personally and spiritually.
Serving his primary target market bring out 'the best coach in me.'
Quotable quotes from Joel:
"It takes a lot of energy to run from who you are."
"Surrender to who you are, and surrender to who you are NOT."
Joel is currently working on:
His next book, "Speak To Me,"
A seminar series with his wife Pei, "Embracing Your Uniqueness & Finding Your Voice."
In today's show I interviewed member Chris Peek, along with our Professor of 'YOU' Deb Ingino, of
Chris is actively working to Brand his idea, but during the process he was profoundly impacted by our YOU course that focuses on strengths and weaknesses and personality styles. Today we discussed this with Chris, and how he's using the info as he builds his business. Below is a note from Chris to our Professor of YOU, Deb Ingino (
Deb - I just wanted to write a word of thanks for providing such life-changing material here at Free Agent Academy. I refer back to your material often, as it has opened a new world of seeing others in a different light. In the past, I would get very frustrated with others for various reasons that I now understand to be related to 'wiring'. Back in my high school and college years, I often thought something was wrong with me because I didn't fit in with the outgoing people. Boy, I wish schools taught DISC and your material. Anyway, FAA has been worth it for many reasons, but your material alone has been a life-changer for me. It's greatly enhanced many of my relationships because I now understand my strengths and how to better relate to those who are wired differently. Thank you for all you do! - Chris Peek
In the show we discussed how Chris will maximize his strengths and shore up his weaknesses as he builds his business. We also got on the topic of what a misperception people have with what personality styles are more 'successful' in our culture and how that limits us.
This is at the heart of everyone who thinks of pursuing self-employment. If you are currently paying your bills through a traditional job, when you break down your fears and concerns and doubts about really pursuing self-employment, you are thinking of the risks. And those risks are primarily two:
Financial & Relational
And they generally come in the form of these specific worries:
Will I end up wasting time and money, and have nothing to show for it?
Will I stress my time with my spouse and kids, and not succeed and have a big payoff to show them?
Will I get disapproval and maybe even criticism or ridicule from friends and family for trying to pursue this, and if it doesn't work out, have less credibility in their eyes?
Listen to today's show that discusses this blog here:
First, let's recognize and agree that we live in a society that is hell-bent on not rocking the boat. Above all, the most important purpose of life is to have secure finances and the socially acceptable amenities, otherwise we'll jeopardize our relationships. Our spouse will be scared and our friends and family won't think we're very important.
And friends, in today's world, this trumps the pursuit of values and purpose and meaning.
Setting that out on the table and looking at it for what it is, helps me deal with it. Otherwise, I start feeling alone and questioning the struggle of swimming upstream. But when I see it plainly, it helps bolster my resolve and faith.
Next, shouldn't the main question really be, "Is it going to be OK if my life is just as it is now…in another 3 or 5 or 10 years?!" You shouldn't get married to someone who you believe you could live WITH, you should get married to the person who you believe you can't live WITHOUT. If you are considering self-employment, it should be because there are major areas of value that you believe is crucial for your life and you see self-employment as the best vehicle that will provide them. Count the costs…sure. But they should be secondary to your convictions.
This thinking led me to posting a Facebook discussion earlier today that asked: "What will suffer if you are still in your current work situation 2 years from now?"
The responses were profound, but not surprising. Reading them however, I bet will validate what you feel at heart. You can review them here: FreeAgentUnderground Facebook Discussion
Lastly, regarding those primary worries…you WILL experience most of them at some point before you succeed. You'll spend more time and money than you had hoped, you'll stress your relationships and you'll endure some criticism. And along the way you'll lose hope, at least for a bit. If it was easy, everyone would do it, eh? You can't succeed and come out unscathed. Most of you spend time every single day watching celebrities and athletes on TV. How many of them do you believe, would say that they got to where they are…easily. "No big deal!" You know the answer. None of them.
It will be hard. But those who make it will testify that staying where they were, would have been even harder. And the payoff is unprecedented.
Today I interviewed a guy I admire a lot. Brian Tuten lives in Pheonix, AZ and is a husband and father to five kids. He's got a 'good job and pretty much everything that people in today's culture aspire to.
Trouble is, he has bigger aspirations.
Some 'cliff notes' highlights here are thus:
Brian wants more from his life, and more for his family.
He and his family have lived on much less than he makes for quite a while, sacrificing 'status' for margin to invest in more meaningful things than late model cars, a big house and all the meaningless consumer items that society normally devotes itself to affording.
Brian pursued knowing himself better, to therefore understand what he believed he was to devote himself to.
Now he and his family are embarking on a great adventure.
Down below are some notes Brian shared with me, and I promise you...there are some quotes that will dramatically inspire you, convict you and make you stop and think about your own life. If you've never fully paid attention to my blogs before, what Brian has to say. If you're more of an audio person, here is the replay of the live show:
Kevin: What was your college focus, what you thought your interest was? Brian: My older brother, by five years, loved computers. I grew up watching him take computers apart and put them back together. He also liked to write a lot of simple computer programs. I did not have the same passion for computers that he did, but I wanted to be like him. We both graduated from college with majors in computer science. My parents were happy because with a computer science degree I could get a good job and computer programming was something I could do well.
So, that is the profession I choose, but while in college I discovered what I was truly passionate about. I have always loved adventure from an early age, but in college I had the privilege of being the outdoor eduction director's assistant. In this position I learned how to teach and lead numerous adventure sports. I fell in love with outdoor adventure and it is still a big part of my life today.
Kevin: What is your quick job history leading to now? Brian: 15-17yrs – Assistant Manager Little Caesars Pizza 17-18yrs – Assistant Manager Entertainment Tonight Video 18-20yrs – Berry College Outdoor Education Department Director's Assistant 21-27yrs – AG Communication Systems/Lucent Technology (telecommunication software) 28-35yrs – Performance Software (avionics software)
Kevin: How/when did your family came into focus...marriage, kids? Brian: A couple of months before I graduated from college, it was my job to train my replacement. Jodi was eager to learn and we spent a lot of time together getting her familiar her new responsibilities. Our first date was teaching her how to kayak on a rain swollen river. I had never met a girl who loved adventure as much as me. So, we started dating (long distance) after I graduated and moved from Georgia to Arizona. Jodi baby sat for a couple who were marriage counselors in our college town and we went through premarital counseling with them (Battlefield Ministries). Our dear friends, Nathan and Jane are the most amazing example and counselors we know. Jodi and I have avoided the majority of the typical marriage issues because we sought and still seek good counsel. We are passionate about growing together and making sure others have the same tools we've had to strengthen our marriage.
After five years of marriage, we were blessed with our first child. A week before Kendall was born, I was laid off as part of a corporate takeover by Lucent Technologies. It was such an amazing experience. I got the opportunity to spend the next six months bonding with my wife and our new daughter. During that time I worked part time as an office manager in our friend's chiropractic office to cover our expenses. When the baby was six months, as a family we started adventuring together. By the time she was eleven months we were able to do canyoneering trips to Zion. One of my favorite memories/pictures is our eleven month old daughter, in her pool floaty ring, swimming through a four foot wide slot canyon with the walls towering high above her. Kids are such a gift and we are only given a moment to enjoy them, so we better make it count.
Kevin: Where/how did your unrest/desire start to manifest for...more and better Brian: Over the last five years I have taken on more responsibility at work and our family has grown from two to five kids. As a family, we have gotten outdoors less and less as my energy has been divided between my job and family. I have felt torn because my heart is to spend more time investing in my family, but my kids are not able to see that, when I spend the majority of my time working. I have been searching for a way to incorporate family, work, and play. I've found that when I do not get enough family time and outdoor adventure in my life, I become restless, irritable, and in general am not much fun to be around. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. If there is an adventure on the horizon or even the possibility of it and hope returns. That is one of the things I love about Free Agent Academy, it creates hope.
Kevin: How did you came to your current idea? Brian: I got the opportunity to attend the Free Agent Academy intensive event in March 2011 to focus on my Idea. As Jonathan Pool walked us through the life of 'hypothetical guy', I learned how the whole picture of our life (the good, the bad, our strengths, our personalities, and our heart) have shaped us into who we are. Then we got to create our wall of perspective and it was such a powerful and revealing journey for me. I found freedom in the transparency, as I got so much out of having others walk through my life with me to point out the common threads that I was not able to see.
Since reading 'A Million Miles In A Thousand Years' by Donald Miller, I have been searching for a story larger than myself to invite my family to join me in. Well, I really didn't know enough about myself to create that story. The Free Agen Academy Idea intensive event gave me the idea filter and through it I found our story.
Kevin: So, what is your idea? Brian: The Funhog Family 50 State Challenge:
As a family, visit each of the 50 states
Experience an adventure per state
Interview ministries (as a family) that have impacted our family
Raise money for marriage and family
Make family the adventure and relationship the journey, showing that a family of seven on the road is not only possible, but only a stepping stone to the adventures to come.
Through our simple yet adventurous life, we desire to inspire the world to seek Christ and to invest in what matters most.
Kevin: What is the hope doing in your soul and spirit? Brian: C.S. Lewis said, “We are made for something greater, but it takes a journey to discover what that is.“ As we have started taking steps towards making this journey a reality, I have started to come alive. The excitement is contagious too as the whole family is coming together to make things happen. I have a thankful heart as this story is just beginning.
Kevin: What are your next action steps? Brian: I have asked for a three month sabbatical from work in order to complete the first stage of our journey (states east of Arizona), starting July 2nd. I am getting tons of ideas for blog content, but I need to create a blog site and get it online. I need to complete the branding->online courses in Free Agent Academy. Then, I need to finish the adventure prep.
I tend to give more focus to 'idea discovery' than business strategy because I know it to be of far more value. The vast majority of biz success stories you hear about, have at the core...someone who pursued something they really cared about and believed in.
On the other side, we see countless examples of people putting all the latest, greatest biz practices into place for an 'opportunity,' only to fail.
As today's Free Agent Underground Show guest, Karen Martin, testified...she's found what she would do for free. the gold. I'll put my money behind that anyday.
Now, can you kill a dream with bad execution? By not putting wise business strategy behind it? Absolutely. You need both. But the roots, the the idea and your belief and passion and fit within it.
Karen's desire is to help mothers stay at home with their children. Something she did NOT do well. Her's is not a story of overcoming, but of regret. She felt the obligation, got the big job, made the big money. Her children are older and out of the house now. She sees what she missed. And she's pained to see so many women following in her footsteps, and wants...better.
Listen to the interview with Karen, joined by our guru of idea, Jonathan Pool. You'll also hear her review two other viable ideas she contemplated, that didn't pass her own 'idea filter' created with Jonathan.
It's all you can do to survive the day and keep everything afloat. Making just enough money every month to make ends meet, spend just enough time with your kids to keep them marginally content, not much time for you to invest in what inspires you, gives you health and makes the days contain any true joy.
You're not OK with this and feel imprisoned. The primary culprit? The amount of time your j-o-b consumes.
You are paid to fulfill certain tasks, but in the corporate world of managing large amounts of business and people, they are wasting your time. They can't help it. Here is an analogy:
We all know that the public school system requires on average eight hours of a kids time in order to facilitate about four hours of actual class learning. Nobody's fault, just the nature of the beast. Then the kids spend another hour or two pursuing extracurricular actives such as sports or drama.
I see that as wasting my kid's time. With the other four hours they save homeschooling, they can study the Bible, learn to cook, enjoy the outdoors, pursue personal hobbies. Then as a family we have time to interact.
It's the same with self-employment, or for that matter telecommuting to a degree. The time spent
In required meetings that for every hour spent you get 10 min of value
Watercooler chit chat
Busy work that has no real application
Working on misplaced priorities or flat-out meaningless work saved.
Now on one hand, it's amazing you can get paid for wasting so much time. But the costs are your lack of time to:
Be involved in your kid's lives
Be in full union with your spouse
Be available to serve others when needed
Invest in your health and wellness - exercise, cooking good foods
Pursue your spiritual life
Build a legacy
(add in your own hot buttons here, of things you don't have time for but desire)
This is where free agency steps far beyond a luxury or 'that would be nice,' and into a responsibility.
Here are what a couple folks shared about this:
"At least 40% of everyday is wasted in meetings and another 10% to busywork, so at least half of every day. After 25 years in the corporate space, I've found that the further you move up the ladder, the higher percentage of the day is wasted. Having started in the trenches and progressed to the C-level, I've seen my waste time go from < 10% to over 50%. A lot of it is determined by your supervisor's expectations i.e. "you will sit in all these meetings that I want you in, or I will be forced to conclude that you don't care about what I care about." - Scott K.
"Out of the 47 hours spent away from home, at least 10-15 of them could be reclaimed." - Justin H.
Can you really afford for so much of your time to be wasted? Aside from wanting your actual work to have purpose, what things of value in your life, are you not having the time to invest in?
The beauty about having a platform is influencing others. We all care about and believe in things and wish others would listen to us. That sounds egotistical and unpolitical incorrect, but it's truth.
And we readily accept it from those we trust. Choose your favorite expert or authority, celebrity, sports star, even a politician or two. They have one area they excel in, but we generally give them implied credibility to give counsel in many areas.
This is what happens as a free agent…being self-employed. You have a product or service and at the core of it, a message. That…is influence.
I commented on them in the show, posted at the bottom of this page.
Just below, are two of our Free Agent Academy members who have a service that gives them influence. And here are their latest blogs. Neither blog topic is on their core service, but they are enjoying the platform of their influence to speak on things they care about.
And I for one, believe the value they offer is worth sending to you. So this is a great testimony, eh? Because if I'm wrong, I only hurt myself, and lose…influence, with you.
Blog:"Fattening The Children For The Slaughter" Business: S'more Outdoor Founder: Brett Traudt Brett's focus is providing fully equipped camping trips to get people over the hurdle of preparation…and into the woods. But here, he's talking on the tragic epidemic of obese children. He has influence with me, I read it, left a comment, and am believed in it enough to send to you!
Blog:"Entrepreneur Lessons from 50 Cent" Business: The Daily Grind Founder: Dr. David Powers David's focus is great coffee. But here he is talking about entrepreneurship and pursuing your passions. Again, he has influence with me, I thought his blog was of great value, and I'm sharing it with you.
At the heart of our pursuit for meaning is to spend the majority of our time serving people. Serving them in a way we find great joy and fulfillment in, the recipient profoundly values, and we make an adequate or even abundant income through.
Two questions for today's show, and I'm seeking a convergence of them: 1. How would you like to serve people? 2. What is it that you can do really well?
And let me define this by saying...aside from a 'faith based initiative' answer. I know people who love working on cars and are passionate about helping people get their cars in working order. Especially helping single moms and such. Or people who just adore cooking food and delivering food to people. Or folks with a real knack for finance who help others get their money issues together.
What is something you know how to do and love to serve people in doing?
Cause then my desire can we get you doing that in a business? But don't worry about how to monetize it. That's what I'll talk about on today's show.
By show time we had 17 comments posted. I read through and discussed most of them in the show. Here it is:
I led off the show thanking folks for a couple new reviews in iTunes, now giving us 20 reviews and a 5-star rating in itunes. If you enjoy the show, please...leave us a review. You can get to us here: Free Agent Underground Show in iTunes
Next, we've been having some healthy and lengthy discussion at Facebook, as well as having fun with personal posts and pictures. Today I uploaded a bunch of pics from my marathon date night with my wife Teri and our epic Goodwill treasure hunt (some of Goodwill's finest shown to the right). You can connect with me here: - Personal page: - FAU Fanpage:
Here are some of the issues covered in today's show:
What good things can you get rid of, so you can accomplish GREAT things? - lack of time - no matter who we are, we fill up every second - we aren't that critical or important - we spend a lot of time working jobs we don't like to pay for crap we don't need - to set priorities you must have a purpose - we stay busy to escape boredom and despair and have status (badge of honor) - we as a culture, look down on folks with spare time - you ARE emotionally and brain drained cause you aren't inspired - you ARE physically tired cause you aren't keeping fit and well - most everyone can save a good hour per day - what if your current job is just overwhelming? Might have to kill it. - if kid obligations are hampering you, is them participating in a sport more important than you fulfilling your calling? You are their example
Public cussing to help grow your business - no, don't cuss, not just for shock value. Be authentic with who you are - be controversial, contrarian and countercultureal. If you are not, you have nothing to offer - you must have and communicate strong convictions (WATCH THIS VIDEO)
In today's show I discussed the book I gave away a few weeks ago, Henry And The Great Society (get it free via PDF here).
Opening notes at the top of the show:
Congrats to all the graduates of our Idea event in Colorado this past weekend (pictured at the right)
Congrats to new Free Agent Academy member Thomas MacDermut from Cary, North Carolina who registered with us just this morning,
The replay of the interview with myself and my wife Teri Miller by a Michigan radio station was posted yesterday here
Asking all those who listen to our shows via itunes to please leave a review.
Most of you reading and listening were going along in your life, only to get hit with, "I feel little meaning or purpose, I spend all day toiling for nothing of worth other than money". But you have no margin in your time and money and are handcuffed. You're best option is to simplify. Do you want purpose and fulfillment and meaning and a legacy, or nice, unnecessary stuff?
Points from the book, covered in the show:
1. Fulfillment in work comes from being invested in it all, from beginning to end. - today in traditional employment, we seldom get to participate from beginning to end and are disconnected from purpose and responsibility. 2. Relationship focused - 'Henry' in the book was fully engaged with family, again, from beginning to end. 3. Henry and his family were Community focused (much more relational) - They had to be, as they relied on those close by cause of geographic boundaries 4. Simple life - They just had much, much less, which led to much margin! 5. Longterm view - Henry was focused on building the assets of his farm, not accumulating amenities - He expected his work to add up to something that could be handed down
Ultimate, Henry gave it all up for EASE and 'MORE' When did we as a culture abandon purpose for comfort? - We work to afford our stuff, and we only buy 'stuff' due to comparison - Until we know the next gadget, we're stoked with what we have. Cooking on an open fire was fine. But along came the wood stove, and soon we couldn't fathom cooking by the fire. Then the gas and electric stove. Then the microwave.
Just over a week ago I was interviewed by a Michigan radio station on self-employment and marriage (thanks to Jeff Beebe). They requested that my wife Teri join me, which was a great honor to me.
The interview is about 50 minutes total, and was live and fully candid. Sharing some of our trials helps us redeem some hard time as I went about self-employment in some unwise ways.
My hope is that it helps you pursue or continue on in free agency with a stronger union in your marriage relationships.
I know both sides...having lost my wife's faith no even a decade ago, and today having her as my number one supporter, encourager and cheerleader.
Today I discussed the blog that got so many great comments, "What if God told you to be self-employed?" I gave the primary concept of the post, read some of the comments, and answered questions and comments from the live audience. Some bullet points:
Your responsibility is to discover what your calling is and go after it, not just give full focus to maintaining or increasing your current status of living,
Do you discount your decisions if there is hardship?
The best way to discern the validity of your decisions is to have wise counsel,
Do you have full confirmation and assurance that being where you are now…staying where you are now…is God's will?
This is next in my series of just sharing real-life testimonials of ordinary people pursuing, progressing and succeeding in free agency.
Victoria Jones is a FreeAgentAcademy member. She's from Texas, a wife and mother and 17 year school teacher. She came into our membership and has graduated from the CALLING course, then YOU, then IDEA, and now...BRAND. That's no easy task. But through the leadership of our Professors and the support, encouragement and counsel from fellow members, she's doing it!
So listen in for our live, candid interview with Victoria and our BRAND professor Jimi Gibson (
P.S. Below the audio links are a list of this week's FreeAgentAcademy new members and graduates. Congratulations to all. Should you be next? Or a better question...why should you NOT be?!
Today we (myself and Jonathan Pool) reviewed Idea course 'Graduation Assignments' from two members, Matt Williams and Brian Yamabe, who recently discovered ideas they want to pursue. Both have jobs, families, and are making it happen. They previously graduated from our Calling and You courses. Now that they have a viable idea that fits their personal 'idea filter', they are in the Brand course putting real legs on the business.
This is the real deal folks. Listen to enough of these and you'll quit thinking that self-employment may not be possible for you.
P.S. My apologies to everyone who tried to tune into our scheduled live show today. Ustream was down for most of the day. We'll be back on Friday at 11am.
Today we had an enlightening show with guest Jonathan Pool on the steps to discovering your idea for self-employment.
To boil it down, it's a process of knowing yourself and bubbling up to finding an idea that is uniquely from you and fills a need or desire in the marketplace.
The reason 'work' is a necessary evil or down right dirty word in our culture is because
Vocational focus is based on security and comfort instead of meaning,
We've literally bought into the myth that we are not really SUPPOSED to enjoy our work,
Even if we believed in having purpose in our work, we don't know ourselves well enough to know what direction to go.
The few people who do attest to liking their work, often do so as a result of attaching their personal identieis to their positions. Without the money or acclaim, they wouldn't be there.
Truth be told, the vast majority of information out there on self-employment tends to focus on making the most money with the least effort. No different than growing up and seeking out a j-o-b that pays the most, has the best benefits and takes the least personal investment.
Honestly, isn't that the focus? College kids have a goal of finding a 'cushy job.' People brag about big salaries, great benefits, vacation time, company perks...and showcase it by buying lots of stuff to communicate to others their financial affluence. Or by goofing off to showcase their time and financial freedom.
But what does that have to do with PURPOSE?
Name an epic movie that was about padding your comfort, security and social stature. Yet most would have to admit that the story of their life showcases these things as priority.
Of course we have many who are working their fingers to the bone just to survive. They work long hours merely to retain the crappy job they have cause they desparately need the money.
So you want work that has purpose? Work that you WANT to devote yourself to? And as a result of that purpose and devotion, you also create wealth that you can have security in and bless others with?
It won't find you, you'll have to go after it with knowledge and help and commitment. Listen to this interview with Jonathan and you can list out the necessary steps.
NOTE: Jonathan is our lead guide at the March 25-26 'Idea Discovery & Application' Workshop here in Colorado. It's not too late to take a giant step in radically changing your life and achieving free agency. Click the link or email me with questions about attending.
Most people who truly desire self-employment, at the core, just don't have an idea of what they could offer that might be viable in the marketplace. So the desire just remains a pipe dream with little real hope. This is the case with many of you reading, listening or watching right now.
Even if you had an idea that you think might be legitimate, you discount that you could actually make it succeed. Not you. Somebody else, but not you. You don't have what it takes, or your circumstances are just too prohibitive.
Meanwhile we have people from 20 to 60 years old, men and women, every personality style, tight finances, lots of kids, chronic illnesses...who are doing the work and discovering their ideas. This was posted yesterday on our Facebook fan page: "I feel like the obscure dream I've had for years is finally taking shape to a point where I'm getting a plan and a chance to really make it happen. I'm not stopping." Scott M. Lives in Ohio, works in human resources, married 16 years, has four kids
Here is a true statement, "If you are capable of losing weight and keeping it off, you are capable of discovering a viable idea that you truly care about and enjoy and that makes money in the marketplace." It's about hard work and commitment and endurance. That's it. It's not magic or brilliance or only for the super outgoing, risk takers. That last bit especially, is such a myth. Lots of people become self-employed, it's just the mouthy ones that you hear from (like your's truly).
There is a science and art to it though. The science is first in knowing yourself. Figuring out what you care about and what you are naturally equipped to do. If you aren't financially minded and can barely add, you shouldn't pursue being a bookkeeper. Then we must understand your personal circumstances and life design needs so we can filter ideas through that. You may be great at public speaking, but if your life is not conducive to traveling, it may not be the best fit.
The art comes through the step by step guidance, where your brain and heart start sparking and the 'golden opportunity' is not taken from a list or given by a coach, but is primarily cultivated from within you. It's a part of the process. That's the inspiration and big "Ah hah!" moment.
Then, back to the science as we research the marketplace and again, your personal giftings and abilities and available opportunities in the marketplace, and we find your core business.
So the point? If you have 'eyes to see and ears to hear,' which you do or you wouldn't be seeing this, then what is between you and self-employment is just…you. You taking the step to believe, commit and get started.
Again, just like weight loss. No matter how you cut it, the only way to do it is to eat less calories and burn more calories. And to keep it off is to alter your eating habits from this day forth. I've been 6' and 160lbs for as long as I can remember due to deciding on a lifestyle diet 18 years ago and sticking with it to this very day. are three options for you to get started:
#1 Free Agent Academy Membership $125 This is the least investment for sure. You come in at the basic monthly fee and simply go month to month, progressing through our courses at your own pace, attending the live, weekly classes. You do it from the comfort of your home or office, or a coffee shop. It's powerful and has no comparison.
#2 90-Day MFA (Master of Free Agency) $2,200 Here, I personally walk through our program with you, following each course with a personal consultation (nine total). This accellerates your progress, gives you my personal counsel and allows me to help direct your end product.
#3 March 25-27 Idea Discovery & Application Camp $1,250 This is our live event in Woodland Park, CO (just up from Colorado Springs). It's a powerful, intimate event that grants you access to five of our core Professors (including me) and other attendees on the same journey you are. Plus you're in the majestic beauty in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. We're filling up fast, so this option is fairly urgent.
*Ready to take action but just really unsure of what to commit to? Fill out our 40 question application and I'll personally get back with you. Please only do this if you are able and serious about one of the options above.
The 'right time' will not present itself. You must make it happen. When will you decide it's your time?
This is the best I have for you. My devotion is right here, in helping normal folks like you and I, to achive and live abnormal lives of freedom and purpose.
Meg Hirshberg is a leading writer on self-employment and family. She writes candidly for INC magazine about her experience and learnings as wife to Gary Hirshberg, founder and President of Stonyfield Yogurt, now the world's largest organic yogurt company. Her book comes out in 2012 and she is a recognized speaker on work/life balance issues, particularly those that are of concern to entrepreneurs and their families.
Meg and Gary and their three children endured nearly a decade of hardship and near bankruptcy on the path to succeeding with Stonyfield. In this interview Meg discusses the necessity for having a mission at the heart of the endeavor, not defering and delaying life goals during the process, the temptation of distraction, and why today she's ultimately grateful they stuck it out. OH, and camel poop.
One of our live listeners sent this in immediately after the live show:
Hello Kevin, I listened in on the program today and I have to say it was one of the best interviews I have ever heard on the Free Agent Underground. A lot of wisdom there - excellent, excellent stuff. Thank you. Michael
If you are self-employed (or intend to be) and married (or intend to be) this is a must-listen-to replay. Enjoy.
In today's FreeAgentUnderground Show I gave away a book that has been foundational to my family's life. Literally, it sits on the shelf with a handful of others that are cornerstones to how we live.
The interesting part however, is that I've never met another soul who has read it. And of those that I've given it to, and we've given away an entire case, I've had no one really testify to book's perspective in the way I have.
How is that for a sales lead in? I'm giving away a book that I adore and nobody else does.
Why is it not more popular and widely accepted? Because it condemns our modern way of life, almost completely. Then why do I and my family, who have nearly every amenity known to man, cherish this book? Listen at the link above and find out.
The book is titled "Henry and the Great Society," authored by H.L. Roush. "Henry" was a farmer with a simple life. Progress came in and life became...less simple. By the end, you'll find most of us are where he ended up. For those who can handle this book, I'll be talking about it again with you in the coming days.
When someone is interested in beginning the pursuit of self-employment, we have 35 questions we ask them. In today's Free Agent Underground Show I showcased what the questions are and why we ask them. I also shared many of the responses we've gotten from Academy applicants to the questions, which you'll find very revealing.
This candid info will help you look at your own present or future pursuit of free agency.
If you are currently working at a traditional j-o-b and you feel the call or desire to be self-employed, what is the primary reason that you are not yet actively working on a plan to get you there?
I posted this as a question on Monday morning, Feb. 7th and got 14 quick replies that Chuck Bowen and I discussed on the show two hours later. A couple very, very common threads and some candid discussions.
I recommend that you read the comments below to get some candid realities from folks.
Then hear us discuss them in the show replay here:
Today I was interviewed by David Siteman Garland of The Rise To The Top. He went through my personal story to successful free agency, which is basically a great overview of what NOT to do.
On one hand David knew my story would be of interest to his audience. But on the other hand, he knows that many of his viewers need what I offer...Free Agent Academy. So this interview also serves as his personal endorsement. He'll post the video interview at his website on Tuesday, Feb. 8th, I'll notify you.
I strongly encourage you to sign up to receive his new show alerts. He has incredibl insightful interviews with rock star free agents. Also...his new book, "Smarter, Faster, Cheaper" is also a FreeAgent must-read.
Here then is the full interview. I hope some of it hits a nerve for your own pursuit.
SHOW NOTES: I just spent 48 hours with a group of aspiring FreeAgents out here in Colorado. The topic at hand was creating a successful online presence for their business ideas. But underneath it all for every attendee was the nagging question of "Will my business really work?"
In today's show Chuck Bowen and I to know for sure if your business will work. What actions to take and most of all what paradigm you must comprehend and work under. I referenced our work with hordes of aspiring and successful FreeAgents, plus a new report in the latest copy of Inc. Magazine.
This show content will give you peace of mind and the fortitude to endure the journey.
In today's show I interview Anthony Plack. An IT consultant who wanted to work at something he really cared about at a core level. So he joined us at Free Agent Academy and starting going through the initial courses. He just graduated from our third course, IDEA. In the show he shares how it went. We were joined by Jonathan Pool, our Professor of IDEA who walked with Anthony to the ultimate discovery.
So no hype or theory, hear how it is happening for one guy and it may help you see how it could possibly happen for you.
Chuck Bowen and I discussed the reality that in order to pursue free agency, you should be in a life circumstance that is not dire, where you can do it right. This is not a 'quick fix' or 'bandaid' solution. In getting to the last four questions I posted, number one was:
What are you wanting to address in your life through successful free agency?
Joshua Gordon was with us during the live show, but posted this in the blog comments section:
"I think my pursuit of free-agency is fueled by a deep dissatisfaction with the 'template life' that so many of us have grown up in.
I'm tired of missing out on life opportunities because of work. I'm tired of my 'work' and my interests being at odds. I'm tired of exhausting myself doing ultimately pointless 'busy-work' in an office that determines when, where, and how I spend my energy. I'm tired of not really knowing my daughter as closely as my wife does.
I want the freedom to take my daughter out of school for an afternoon for a date. I want the ability to be completely mobile - to work from anywhere. I want the ability to have a life where work and passion are seamlessly integrated... and where the glass ceiling doesn't exist.
First, this was about work and self-employment, and not just theory, we wrapped it up with what actions you can take. This topic comes from so many people who are listening and reading, attesting to be inspired, but not doing anything about it, and I can't handle it.
Second: I know this is a big theological headline, and the point is not that so much as it is, why and if we take action.
Third, I don't have it all figured out. I sit here as a result of more failures than I hope any of you have to face, and I still have plenty of challenges in my own life.
*If you don't believe in God or any higher power, this will still be interesting.
I shared some personal stories, and read from the book of James in my Bible. Specifically James 1:5, 1:22 and 2:14.
Proverbs is primarily a call to seek wisdom. And the number one way is through seeking out and truly listening to God, second is seeking counsel. OTHER people. People who have had success in an area you desire it.
THEN WHAT? If God imparts revelation, what do you do then? Say thanks…and look to God to make it happen? Or is the happening part up to you?
If he reveals that eating whole foods, more veggies and fiber and exercising will help your health, do you say "thanks for the revelation" and then wait for him to make you healthy? Or…must you buy the food and get your butt out the door?
Anyone ever had a food garden that God tilled, fertilized, weeded and watered? Or did you do it? Grateful that God revealed to you the benefits of fresh food? But you still had work to do...
I'm so grateful for wisdom, that God revealed to me through His people. THAT…is the miracle! But I must do the doing.
God revealed so much to so many people in the Bible, but then prodded them to do the doing. He provides the task, YOU…do it:
Moses led the people, why not just God?
Jonah was told to go to Nineveh to prophesy, why didn't God just throw down a tablet?
None of us pursue something different without having to change in some way. And as humans, we don't desire to change, not really. We'd like our circumstances to change, but we'd be happy to not change our personal behavior, habits and comfortable way of life.
We all love surveys because it tells the agragate truth on a topic. A week ago I posted a blog asking "What HAS caused you to take action and change and grow". Many of you responded to that blog, as well as on Facebook. Today, nearly 150 total tuned in to our live Ustream feed to discuss the feedback and what it equated to. It was insightful and convicting, to say the least. Again, this isn't my theory, but real testimonies from many people.
I read through over 20 responses that were incredibly eye opening. I invite you to listen here. You can hit the play button below, or the download link...or if you are an iTunes listener, catch us in there. Enjoy.
This will be inspiring, convicting or challenging. Actually, would be great if you'd tell me how it impacted you. Please comment below if you will.
We continue our discussion from last week on what ingredients a website needs to convert people to sales in today's marketplace. If that mere sentence makes you feel everyone communicating online merely has the ulterior motive to get your money...then I must admit...YES!
Come on folks. Even if we feel like our product or service is pure ministry, can you afford to devote yourself to it without making a dollar? I can't. And further, if you have anything that can fill a want or need for someone else...if it has any value, then people can and should pay for it. Have you ever taken on a job and been willing to work out of the goodness of your heart? Doubtful.
Join us to hear why we did what we did, why our sites are pretty different, but how they are the same. The point? To better understand what you need to do to make your online efforts pay off. Otherwise, it's just a lot of busy work, isn't it?
We had about 40 people in the live chat and answered some of their direct questions, including a quick review of another site. Due to the questions, the show went to an hour...finally stopping when my wife came to pull me to lunch. She just rebranded her blog on parenting and marriage to
The audio for the show is below.
This is behind the scenes folks, it's what we all end up wondering with anyone attempting to 'speak' and 'lead' us.
Agent Kevin Miller I like my 'busy work' to pay does my family who likes to have food to eat.
The media is awash with warm and fuzzy stories about the inspiration of "The homeless man with a golden voice."
Folks, it's not inspiring! It's despairing. People report crying when they saw the video. I cry at the Humane Shelter at neglected puppies, but it doesn't inspire me.
Let me explain: Chances are you saw the video (here it is, which is absolutely entertaining. Homeless guy with an unreal radio voice. And now he's gotten a job and it's this Cinderella story. People ran to it because it was interesting, just like the rubber neckers on the interstate with a car wreck.
Now, I will give some credence to the story of grace. A guy who declined with alcohol and drugs, now gets a second chance. That really is good for him, and a neat story of grace.
But what did it leave YOU with? Millions of folks got entertained, but how is it inspiring for your life? The root definition of the word 'inspire' is: To influence with an idea or purpose
What idea or purpose were you influence with? All we got is that there was some regular guy who went to school to develop his voice, and was good at it. He let drugs and alcohol wreck his life and he's been alone and homeless. For years he was alone and bereft from his family, serving no one.
Now maybe he will, and again…wonderful for him and for those he can now bless with his good fortune.
But you. Chances are if you're reading this, you're not a drug addict or alcoholic. You're paying your bills and hopefully serving humanity in some way. But you probably don't feel you have some amazing talent like this guy.
So where does that leave you? How are you inspired.
You're not.
Let me give it a shot though.
You've GOT to dispel the belief that some people have great talents, and you don't. That does not mean that anyone can train enough to have a great radio voice like Ted the formerly homeless guy. You may not have been created with the vocal chords for that. I wasn't. But you were created with something else. If you can take the leap of faith to believe that, you've just made 80% of the necessary progression. Whatever Ted did not have in self-discipline or personal image value...he at least believed enough in the quality of his voice to write on a scrap of cardboard that his voice was a 'God given talent.' Now that...I like.
Once you can believe that you have some great talent and gift within need to discover what that is. And that's not easy. You probably won't figure it out alone, but will need help. It can be done though. My good friend Jonathan Pool is a master at doing this for people.
Then, you grow that inherent ability. I'm naturally a good athlete. Good coordination, natural muscle development, high pain threshold. I excelled as a pro cyclist because of that. But I probably haven't ridden a bike more than 100 miles total in the past few years. I couldn't keep up with your basic weekend warrior cycling hobbyist today. The great talents on American Idol haven't been dormant, but they've been working their skills for a long time. The show is just giving them a format to showcase what they have discovered and developed within them.
So, we've got to figure out what you have, get you to work refining and growing it to something of true merit, then finding an opportunity will be much easier and sensible than waiting till you're an old man with a cardboard sign on a street corner in Ohio.
Ready to discover and hone the gifting that you have in you (and help you even believe you have anything?)??
Tell you what, let's do a survey. Not some slick little button submission though, tell us and be real…share a bit. Let's see what we've got. Choose one of the five options below and leave a comment. We'll discuss it live on Monday's 'Free Agent Underground Show' at 9:30am MT here on our LIVE page:
1. Honestly, I don't really believe I have some 'great talent' within me (state it, let's talk. It's an honest feeling and you are in good company…it's OK. But let's talk) 2. OK, I can believe that, but I have zero idea what it might be (good, belief is the most important part) 3. I think I may know what mine is, though I've not developed it much (tell us what you think it is) 4. I know my gifting and am actively working to grow it (tell us what it is) 5. I'm living my talent (tell us what it is)
In this Free Agent Underground Show, we had 111 people join us in the live chat while Justin Lukasavige and I discussed the necessary, personal strategy everyone must have for their online presence to convert to sales, and specifically covered the curriculum for our Jan. 28, 2011 "Online Foundation & Strategy Workshop" in Colorado.
If you have anything online now, or expect to...this info, and this event is the absolute best resource I can offer you for making it produce. And this is the only time we are hosting this event this time will be 2012. Listen to the audio below and check out the event info here (click the logo):
It's the start of a new year and hordes of people have resolved to lose weight. The knowledge and resources for any and all to succeed are readily available. Yet we all know fully well that the vast majority will fail miserably. Why? I think we can agree it will all add up in a survey to…lack of commitment. Losing weight is not a have to.
Making enough money to pay the electric bill is a have to or we can't heat our homes or cook our food. And seldom does anyone fail at this, because…they are committed. It's a have to.
Most anyone would like to be self-employed, just as they'd like to lose weight and be fit and trim, looking good and energetic. Regarding self-employment, they'd like to have control over their time, work at what they care about and believe in, make decisions based on what they believe is best and right, and have the opportunity to create real wealth for themselves.
But when it's not viewed as a 'have to,' the majority of people fail. I've heard it quoted that "There is no such thing as trying. You do it or not." That is a stupid saying, all in all. Though regarding some things we believe in, it has merit. Folks who 'try' weight loss fail. Folks who 'try' self-employment fail.
Chuck Bowen joined me in discussing this topic, along with 86 live listeners on Monday morning, Jan. 3, 2011. Here it at the audio button at the bottom of this page. It was the kickoff of us doing these shows live via Ustream, every Monday and Wednesday. Some great comments were made by listeners in the live chat box. Tune in and join us here: Free Agent Underground Show - LIVE
It's the people who are in such pain with handing over their leash to an employer who rules their world and realize it will be their death…that commit to self-employment and succeed. It's the person who realizes that work should not be the God of their life, but their proof of their life shows that their j-p-b takes absolute precedence over anything else in their world, who makes it happen.
Just as it's the obese person who has a heart attach that finally commits and changes.
But does the overweight person change? Just their eating habits…or their lives? We know the answer, it's their entire lives. Their entire day and priorities. They get their eyes set on a new life. I have an overweight friend who has put forth a mental image of herself and even a quote, to be "A pint size powerhouse" in her speaking business.
Self-employment is not just an option on a way of work, it's deciding on a new way of life. And you must list out the fullness of this, then commit to it.
*Listen in the audio button at the bottom to Justin Lukasavige and myself discussing this blog in our Free Agent Underground Show.
This is 100% truth for your business, and your life. You will be well served to conceptualize this right now if you expect your New Year's resolutions to be anything more than a nice little hope list, and your business (or future business) depends on you communicating these points.
First, your business. It can't merely state what the product or service IS and expect anyone to be attracted to it. That would be like you stepping onto a car lot and the salesperson walking over to a nondescript vehicle and announcing, "Here you go, it's a car."
You'll often hear marketers say that you must showcase the benefits, which is true. But often those benefits are in fact…hope. If you buy a Porsche, you don't do so for the horsepower and balance and traction. You do so for prestige. But that is hope. Hope that the prestige will actually translate to you being popular, getting attention and getting that hot date. So in the Porsche ads, you'll often see the surroundings of that hope. Check this Porsche ad out, it's 98% hope, 2% anything about the car:
With a book title, look at the New York Times bestseller list today. One title out of 35 with a somewhat negative title (see the list here). Hope and positive sells best, it's just been proven. If you've got a doomsday message, better wrap it in a great book cover with a hopeful sounding title or nobody will pick it up.
In prying people open to discover ideas for the self-employment pursuit, many have some inklings. But they never allow those thoughts and ideas much room or thought, as they immediately discount the possibility:
"I can't see where there is an opportunity to make much money with it."
"Seems like the complexity of making it a reality would be overwhelming."
"There is already so much out there in the marketplace, I'd never stand out enough."
"Maybe someone could make the idea happen, but not me, I don't have the time or discipline or…"
You've nixed the possibility before even letting it out of the cage. Please, please...don't do that! I make a habit of only brainstorming with 'possibility people.' Most of us live in worlds where any new idea or thought is met with 'what could go wrong.'
Folks, any moron can come up with why an idea won't work. The merit goes to folks who shut their mouth on how it might NOT work, and take at least a few moments to consider how it MIGHT work.
Don't be the moron, especially towards yourself and YOUR ideas! We spend our time at Free Agent Academy working on the HOW. I've seldom found a viable interest someone has, and not been able to find a list of five ways that it could come to fruition and produce revenue.
*This blog was discussed in our FreeAgentUnderground Show today, you can hear it in entirely by clicking the audio link at the bottom of this post.
"White Christmas" is a classic Christmas movie that I own and watch every Christmas season along with "It's a Wonderful Life" (my favorite). I was watching the other night and keyed in on a quick exchange between the two leading characters, Bob and Phil.
It's a profound banter about putting off what's really important.
In the scene, Phil is irritated at Bob's focus on work and fame and his lack of effort put into relationships. Here's how it goes, and the point culminates in the last line that Phil rattles off:
As an employee, it takes an amount of discipline to show up for work on time every day, do the tasks laid out before you, appease managers and bosses and cope with co-workers.
As a free agent, it takes SELF-discipline to wake up in the morning with nobody to direct you but…yourself. Nobody dictates when and where and how for your day. You do.
I know the thought of that is daunting to many people. As much as we want to have command over our own lives and our time, as a culture we aren't used to calling our own shots.
We've spent our lives as children with parents dictating everything from wake time to daily tasks. Then into the school system where we respond to our alarm, get on the bus or in a car, show up at school and go to class and do what we're told from dusk till dawn with extracurricular activities thrown in. On to college which has a bit more flexibility but in essence is the same. Then…on to a j-o-b. And again…we generally have a time to show up, a desk to sit at and tasks to do.
So to wake up one morning and there is nothing set in place for us to respond to can be disconcerting and in reality, strikes fear in many would-be free agents.
Here are 6 ingredients to addressing your free agent self-discipline:
This show topic was prompted by an email excerpt from my co-host Justin Lukasavige:
"I have talks with one person at a time. I have single conversations and it really make people feel needed and cared for. I don't rely on a newsletter to close (using terminology from the last event), but rather to keep warm. About the only thing I do to close is to use the phone, email, and dm's on twitter. Those are all 1-to-1 points of contact."
That quote was worthy of a show.
I may be more popular (initially) if I promoted what the late night informercials do, "Make money from home, it's easy…just turn on the faucet and collect your money!"
But since I don't like enemies, I can't lie to you. It doesn't work that way. You don't get a date by being a wall flower. You have to fix yourself up, go out, and approach someone with a decent line. For that matter, you don't get children by remaining distant. Some actual contact is required.
Can I claim being the first to equate self-employment to procreation?
If you are marketing commodities on eBay or putting a competing product on Wal-Mart store shelves, you may not have to make personal contact with every sale you make. Though even then, you'll have to sell yourself to someone.
Most of us however, have premium products that sell for more than the average. To do that, you'll often have to step beyond the front page of your website and actually make personal contact with real people.
We live in a world of employeedom where the majority don't ever talk with the end user, they are insulated from that. And many LIKE that reality. Personally, I can't handle it. If I spend the majority of my day working on a product or service, I have to believe in it and actually have contact with the recipient who will benefit from that. It's a responsibility that can be messy. But…so is raising your kids instead of leaving it to daycares and schools, eh?
Justin had a great quote in the show we recorded, "Your product or service or company can't care…only you can."
Want to hear more, click the play button below or log in to iTunes and search for Free Agent Underground.
See my video interview with the author, direct from his kitchen and my bedroom:
This book launched on Dec. 7th and is solely for free agents. As I say in the interview with author David Siteman Garland, it's not a book to merely read, but to study. It's chock full of today's best marketing info for the 'scrappy entrepreneur who wants to beat the big guys.'
David is the founder of The Rise To The Top where he has interviewed over 275 big thinkers and entrepreneurs and has grown a community from 0-100,000 in less than two years. His new book Smarter, Faster, Cheaper: Non-Boring, Fluff-Free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business teaches you how to become a trusted resource and create your own community of passionate followers.
This is my 4th interview experience with David, as I'd previously interviewed him twice, and he interviewed me once:
Correction:For all of you who went to apply for my '90-Day MFA' (Masters of Free Agency) and the 'submit' button was hidden…my apologies. We fixed it early this morning and you can apply now. Thanks to all who alerted us.
Don't take that headline as a mere cliche or you'll miss it. You, as well as most folks…are making your product and service the main focus. I often do it too…we can't hardly help it. What we are offering is what we believe in and are passionate about and we want folks to experience it! And to buy it…so we can get paid.
But no matter what you are selling, you can't lead with the product or service and expect it's merits to sell people. They will buy based on their trust and relationship (or perceived) with you. You have to be the spokesperson for your product or service or industry or message.
I had a recent conversation with one of our fairly new free agent academy members who knows himself to be a good salesman. He enjoys the interaction, is adept at relating to people, and enjoys getting out and shaking hands. So he went looking for something to sell. He found franchises and opportunities where you must buy-in, and finally settled on a service with no up front cost.
In asking him where he existed online, he stated that he wasn't yet, and wasn't sure he needed to, as the company he was in essence being an agent for, had a great site. And he didn't feel he needed to worry about branding personally, as the company had a great brand.
Well, by the end of the conversation I had him beginning our 'Find Your Fit' course in FAA. Why?
Because his perspective was tragically flawed.
Again...we don't trust products or services and companies. We only trust people. If there are 10 seemingly identical blogging platforms with prices ranging from zero to $50 per month, we will all eagerly use the one that Seth Godin recommends, regardless of price. We don't have time to compare and we don't trust the media.
So with your product or service, you have to get folks to trust you. People use the word 'expert' or 'authority' and that makes many of you question your own merit. Just think of it as being a key resource.
Just like in a trial, if there is a murder and a tire mark left on the road, they bring in a guy who knows tires to testify if it's possible that the tire mark could have come from a suspects car.
You need to showcase yourself as a resource, and you can do that. How? Proof. And what is proof today? History and some credibility. Blogs and replies and testimonials. And as soon as anyone cites you as a resource, you really exist.
I've only been publicly blogging on self-employment for 18 months. Now, it comes from a lifetime of experience. But I've only been talking about it for a short time. I have no degrees or certifications, just experience. And I'm far less than a household name. But folks who don't know me need only see that I was a special guest on the Ziglar Success 2.0 Show to talk about self-employment and am a 'Braintrust' member and writer on self-employment for and have been interviewed by David Garland at The Rise To The Top and some other media sources. Those came from my blogging, and now I'm a designated 'expert.'
What do you know a lot about, and care about? And if you don't have anything, you can gain the knowledge quickly.
Easiest way to become a viable resource...start blogging. Writing about your product or service or message…once per week. Doesn't matter that nobody is reading it. All that matters is when months from now, you get some promotion and lead someone to your site, they see your history. That you have lots to say on the subject and they can read about it.
Anyone can claim to know lots about a subject, but within 10 or more blogs, it will be showcased; how much they know, how much they care, how much they are up to date on current news and info regarding their subject…
So please, don't miss this message. Your product or service is secondary to…you. Make sure your website and communications and overall positioning...reflect that.
Hear more on this topic in yesterday's Free Agent Underground Show, posted below for your listening enjoyment.
*Pictured above: My wife Teri with our 7 children. She knows...parenting. And really has a passion for helping other parents. So...she started a simple blog and has been posting for a short while. Creating history, becoming a resource...and is on her way. Doesn't hurt that she's a far better writer than I am. And good lookin'! If you are a parent, you'll greatly appreciate 'Free Agent Mommy.'
A lot of you commented on my Thanksgiving inspired post the other day, so for today's Free Agent Underground Show, Justin Lukasavige and I discussed it more. Really hit hard on making Faith, Family and Freedom true priorities, and how doing so will cause you to encounter Pain, Hardship, Challenge and Lack. And in overcoming them, you're thankfulness will grow abundantly. If you didn't catch the initial post, read it here, and don't miss the incredible comments.
Or hit play to listen to it here below.
And hey...a Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving to you, Kevin
I'm starting off by making a case, but if you really just want some nuts and bolts of how this 'school for self-employment' works, skip down to that heading. You can also scroll to the very bottom to hear the full show we did on this topic.
WHAT If you are reading this, then you have a desire to be self-employed, or at the least, generate some of your own income (read the last post 'Forget self-employment').
WHY 1) You want more freedom in your life, 2) You want more purpose from your work - to work at something you really care about, and 3) You want all your work to add up to something (an asset) instead of at the end of your days you've just traded your time for a paycheck (listen to the show link at the very bottom for more on 'renting vs owning your work).
WHO… …are you to think you can be different than the majority who have a traditional j-o-b? We have to admit that most people (even your loved ones) will think you are being 'risky' to pursue free agency. Only until you become successful at it of course, then they'll either brag about you or be jealous. But you have to get to a point of believing you are not only capable of being a free agent, but that it's a necessity for you to be fully whole. If you feel 'called' to 'ministry' most everyone will support you. If you feel called to be married or a parent, it's all good. Even being 'called' to be an artist or athlete gets a good reception. If you know you'll never be very satisfied as an employee, and/or you have a desire to truly create or pursue something that you build, then you've just gotta get comfortable and committed to your pursuit of free agency as a viable calling on you.
HOW Well, that's the biggie now, isn't it. Type in 'self-employment' or 'entrepreneur' or 'small business' into a search engine and you won't find anything that gives you much peace, comfort or direction. Why? Because the media loves 'big.' The focus of self-employment is on big business and wealth. You'll quickly read about business loans, venture capitalist, angel investors, overhead, payroll and plenty of other focal points that…MISS the point.
It's a HUGE disservice and dramatically misses the truth. The vast majority of full-time, successfully self-employed people have no employees, no offices and...while making far above the national average of annual income, they aren't millionaires sipping umbrella drinks on their yachts.
It would be like typing 'lose weight' into a search engine and all that was showcased were supermodels and pro athletes. That's not even the goal or expectation, you just want to lose weight!
The point is...there aren't great resources for pursuing free agency, which is why most folks end up trying to do it alone, or they latch on to scams or franchises or network marketing companies and all the other misguided attempts to help them achieve what they are ill equipped to pursue.
A REAL SCHOOL FOR SELF-EMPLOYMENT Talking about weight loss, have you noticed that the most successful methods are not just systems, but communities? Weight Watchers, Curves, even the new P90X, they are more like communities and movements than mere manuals. That's important.
Also, they don't just focus on the exercises or eating, they put equal emphasis on motivation and belief and…personal development.
So to realistically guide you from zero to success in the pursuit of self-employment, you must have:
Step by step curriculum to inform you
Community to aid and encourage you
Personal development to empower you
And folks, those above bullet points don't exist in any one cohesive place for pursuing self-employment. Which is why myself and some other key free agent rock stars and advocates have created Free Agent Academy. I never went after this because I thought it was a good business idea. I did it because I fervently believe in the power and necessity of self-employment, and there is a distinct lack of relevant resources to really help people.
WHEN Well, that's up to you. It's a process that is not quick. Again, just like major weight loss. The sooner you want to realize a different reality for you and your life, THAT should be motivation to start today. Or you can put it off for the holidays, the first of the year, then Spring break, then summer, then vacation, then the start of school and…hey, you'll be right back here next year in the exact place you are now.
So today, what can you really do? If you are ready to commit, truly, you can become a member of Free Agent Academy. Here is what will happen:
JOIN Go here and join. If you are at the very beginning, you'll come on at Foundation level. It's $95 per month. It needs to be significant. I want you committed to your pursuit. If you just want hype, there are plenty of late night infomercials to entertain and con you.
We do give you a guarantee. Within the first 30 days, if you feel FAA is just not the place for you, let us know and we'll refund your money.
AUDIT The first thing you'll do is fill out a 41 question new member questionnaire. You can actually see them here so you'll know what you are getting in to. It should motivate you or scare you off. Either is great. Jonathan Pool is our Professor of Idea and he will complete a personal 'Audit' with you to review your information and status and discuss where you are in the process. This allows us to know you and feel confident in serving you.
COMMUNITY Along with the questionnaire, you'll fill out a personal profile and join our community. You'll have access to all our members, professors and a lot of information and excitement. It's flat out fun and immensely motivating.
COURSES You'll then start in on our courses and curriculum. You'll begin in the YOU group and the "Discover My Best Focus" course. This will hone in on your key strengths and weaknesses. Upon completion, you'll move on to the IDEA group and the "Find Your Best Fit" course. This will go deep into who you are what what you have to offer and result in your 'Idea Filter,' which is literally the best thing since sliced bread. Those two courses alone will open up a whole new world to you. Next you take your idea and dive into the BRAND group and the "Branding Course." This sets the stage for what your business will look, feel and act like. People DO judge a book by it's cover, and they'll judge your business by your branding and positioning. Next, the ROADMAP group to develop your "Simple Strategic Plan." If you can work it out here on paper, you can work it out in real life.
These four courses don't exist out there. You surely won't find them in an ivy league MBA program, or the latest, greatest internet marketing schpeal. You'll find them here, and it's why we are literally creating successful free agents.
What comes next is diving into Marketing and your Online presence. This is where most of the focus is, and as you can now see, it's puting the cart before the horse in a big way. It's a tree without roots.
Got questions? Let me know. Leave a comment here or email us about joining.
HOLIDAY SPECIAL January will soon be here and you'll be looking at another year of life as you know it. You'll feel the tug of making resolutions and some little changes. Maybe you'll buy a book and get inspired.
OR...change your course now. Make sure when January 1 hits and when you hear folks talking about their little New Year's are in a different league. Join Free Agent Academy now and guess what, you'll be living a different life when the holidays roll around next year. That's it. That's the special offer. Join now and instead of the holiday's wearing you out and you hitting January feeling stressed to make some resolutions, you can rest in peace that you are already resolved and already a many steps into the process and your free agency!
It's a big, daunting word to many people. Some are ashamed to admit they are desiring it:
"I want to be self-employed" "I want to be my own boss" "I'm pursuing free agency"
Bucking the norm of employeedom and j-o-b is a big deal in our current society, and being FULL TIME SELF-EMPLOYED is like a 500 lb gorilla (I said "elephant in the Free Agent Underground show - posted below - cause I couldn't remember 'gorilla').
So, forget about it.
Erase 'self-employment' from your mind and vernacular. At least for now.
Replace it with this: "I'm gonna generate some income on the side doing something I really enjoy."
That's it. Take the pressure off. You're not quitting your job, planning an escape plan, trying to take over the world or risking the farm. You're just having fun and inspiring and using your time more wisely than TV watching. Nobody will give you grief over this, most will think it's cool. You have your regular day job, so you'll be deemed "responsible and secure" by society, shameful as that is. What you do in your free time is your own business.
In reality, most successful free agents started just like this. Working on something part time that they enjoyed and cared about. Often it was fairly low key. But they were diligent and consistent and low-and-behold, started making income! Little by little it grew to where it was getting mighty hard to keep it rolling AND keep the day job. How much easier though, to make the transition from j-o-b to free agency, when you're already half way there!
Now, you still need to be diligent. No sense wasting your part-time efforts doing something with no future or growth potential, or doing it poorly so your efforts are in vain. Understand yourself. Find what fits you. Put a reasonable plan in place. Get counsel!
NOTE: This still won't happen without you being fully committed. Everyday I see the truth in this - people who 'try' generating their own income, might as well never bother. It's like 'trying' marriage. Guaranteed recipe for failure. Success only comes as a result of determined perseverance.
So even in your "part-time, no pressure to overturn your life right away" endeavor, there still must be commitment.
Pictured at the top is our newest member to Free Agent Academy. Jeff Jones joined today. He's the drummer ( for Christian rock band Big Daddy Weave. He loves drumming, and it's his primary source of income. On the side, he started a business creating and selling custom drum sticks ( Last year he generated an impressive amount of income on this 'fun side business.' And unlike many of you reading here, he digs his 'regular job' of drumming in a rock band! But how cool to have multiple streams of income…especially those you can't be fired from!
The answer to this will dictate the success of your self-employment venture. And the answer is not merely "yourself."
The answer is also far more than semantics. It's tragically important for you (and me) to understand what we are really selling. IF…we want to succeed.
And I know you do. Want to succeed.
What you are NOT selling is a mere product or service. If you think it is, then you are competing against the universe and everyone else that would claim to sell what you do. People today are not satisfied to buy a mere product or service.
If that were the case, we'd all buy our clothes from Wal-Mart. They have fine clothes there. They basically follow the societal trends of style, moderately durable and very cheaply priced.
So why don't you buy your clothes from Wal-Mart? Socks and undies don't count, as I actually DO buy that stuff from there. But shirts and pants and jackets and such. I don't know anyone who buys that kind of stuff from there. OK, heck…we buy the occassional stuff for our kids, but only while they are young and have no brand name identity yet…but try to stick with my analogy before I ruin it.
We don't buy our primary clothing from Wal-Mart because our cloths say so much about us. We want to wear clothes that attach some meaning behind them. If you go through my personal clothing, you'll find:
Old Navy
J. Crew (not really, but I want some)
Why? Because I want to associate myself with the images those companies portray. And they've caused me to believe their clothing actually feels and performs better. Does it? Some may, some is just overpriced. Which is why most of mine actually came from the Goodwill store down in Old Colorado City, which is the best place in Colorado Springs to find those types of clothes, barely used, for a few bucks. I love it.
My friend Dave Munson who I talk about so much, owns Saddleback Leather, Co. If all they sold were leather bags, he'd still be selling puppies for tacos in Mexico. Umm…that's an exchange, not an ingredient by the way.
Dave was just at our FreeAgentAcademy 'Expose Yourself' event and stated that what he's really selling is "A lifestyle of adventure." So when he shares photos on Facebook of his 51 day trip to Europe and Africa to see the world and help kids in Rwanda, he's doing more to sell his leather bags than anything else he could do, as he's showcasing the lifestyle and image that really sells his stuff.
That's Dave and me in the picture at the top, sporting our bags that say, "Yeah baby, taste the adventure..."
What about you? What are you selling? And you can't say your product or service. When you discover the essence and heart of what you are (or want to be) selling, you must get it as a tattoo so you don't forget. It must be the platform that you speak and stand on. It must be the heartbeat of your business and promotion and sales. Your website must lead with it!
Dave told me my website was lame, and when he heard me say I wanted a bumper sticker that said "Self-employment or death!" he said "That's what you need to lead with!! That's excellent!"
I had all the attendees at the event write and share what they are really selling. Mine with Free Agent Academy was:
"I'm selling an inspired life of freedom and purpose."
Doesn't that seem more compelling than "I sell self-employment."
So again, what are YOU…really selling??
I went further into this in our Free Agent Underground Show with Justin Lukasavige. You can listen here:
Hear the show we did today on this topic by scrolling to the bottom of this page
This topic has been needling me a lot lately. We as a society are accepting more and more bad realities as normal. And bottom line, it's a fact…we view NOT enjoying our work as 'normal' and OK. We have come to a place where we breed our kids to get a formal education and a job that provides a nice paycheck to afford what we deem the necessities of the American dream:
Major appliances
Brand clothing
Computer and cell phones
Cable TV
Once upon a time people sought valor, legacy, adventure, inspiration and serving humanity. We've traded that for comfort.
You have 7 days in a week. For at least 5 of those days, you spend the primary hours of your day and energy of your mind and body working for provision. The evenings are spent on the necessities of home life and family and basic personal maintenance. Saturday is usually a day to catch up on home maintenance, kids sports events, dealing with car issues and such. Sunday may have half the day spent at church, then the rest of the day watching sports for some inspiration, excitement and entertainment.
Where is there time for…valor, legacy, adventure, inspiration and serving humanity? There isn't any. Folks, in the above expenditure of your week, the only shot you have is your work.
Please don't think that you can work 40-60 or more hours per week at something you are uninspired and unfulfilled and underutilized in…and then bounce back during the off times to be an inspired, whole person. You can't.You can be 'normal.' Which I don't think you'll be proud to have written on your tombstone:
"Here lies John Doe. He made it through life and was comfortably normal."
Which means it's flat-out VITAL that you become whole in your work.
Your work MUST be enjoyable. It MUST be fulfilling your core skills, abilities, passions and heart. It must be fully inspiring for you.
It's NOT an option. It's a responsibility.
If you are in financial survival, sure…get a job doing anything to keep food on the table. You can't cop out on that. But it must be short term. A year is TOPS. Meanwhile you are seeking your calling. The work in which you come alive in!
Otherwise, you are a thief.
You are robbing someone of a position that is their vocational calling. You're hijacking it from them.
You are robbing humanity from fulfilling your vocational calling, your unique gift.
You are robbing your family and friends from being a wholly alive person, all they are getting is a diluted, numbed version of yourself.
Get that last one? I'm going to step on toes here. I know someone closely (I'll let them remain anonymous) who is overweight and had a heart attack. Afterwards, they still weren't readily accepting the need for a healthier lifestyle. So family members intervened and pleaded that it was the person's responsibility to the family to pursue health. Otherwise, the family would get the burden of caring for them later, after the next truly debilitating heart attack or stroke. It was selfish for them not to pursue health.
Folks, if you are working for a mere paycheck and not fervently pursuing your ultimate vocational calling, you are harming your friends and family and humanity. We don't know the real you, we only know a dumbed down version. You could be replaced by a monthly stipend of money and a house maid or handyman. You owe it to us to be inspired and 'whole.' You owe it to your Creator who uniquely and wonderfully made you.
To deny that is…selfish.
Here is the cool thing though…what you get for stepping up…is glorious. It's a huge payoff. It's life…in the form of inspiration, excitement, joy, time, usually wealth and more.
It's doing the right thing and reaping the benefits. Having your cake and eating it too.
Feel like justifying work that you don't like? Leave a comment.
Are you involved in work that you are enthralled with? Share how it happened with us.
If you accept this and are ready to start…where will you take action? The best option I know of is what I helped create…my baby…Free Agent Academy. Check out our new landing page, you can click on the image to go there:
Another post on the dire necessity for you to be...self-employed
"If at the end of your life, you were with a room full of people that watched a movie of your life, how would you feel the final credits were rolling, people looked at each other and said, 'What was that all about?'" This was a questioned posed by Donald Miller at his Storyline Conference in Portland two days ago. I was privileged to be there in the audience.
*Pictured: Justin Lukasavige and myself recording a podcast in Portland, listen below
Let me take it a step further. Most of society unconsciously thinks that - making it through life - maybe getting married - maybe raising some kids …is what they are supposed to do. That it's sufficient and 'normal.'
Well, it is normal, but it is not sufficient and I'm posing here that it's thwarting God's purpose for creating you.
Completing the above bullet points is called mere existence. Survival really. Do you honestly believe that is what you were created for? Seriously…just pause and think about it for a moment. Could that really be your purpose…just to exist? I think you'd consciously say "No," but I bet your life story thus far would prove otherwise. And the lives of nearly everyone you know. Which is exactly why it's so hard to even consider that something is in reality…dreadfully wrong.
I'm gonna get blatantly spiritual here. If you don't believe in the whole God/Jesus/Satan bit, then don't bother reading further. Otherwise…
Folks, pick up your Bible. Who has dominium over this earth? Who get's free reign to manipulate society to it's will? News flash…it's not God. He gave that to Satan. Adam and Eve had it and messed it up.
So today, who created our society that: - Sends kids off to school - Has us spending all day working for pay - Has us spending all night watching blue screens - Makes our life focus the accumulation of 'stuff'
It isn't God. And it isn't neutral.
We accept it as normal because it's all we know. The flow of this life is to just spectate and watch actors on a screen act out stories, or athletes fight for meaningless achievements. So it's not our fault. Or at least it hasn't been till now.
God created you to serve and love Him in a very unique and important way. You can't say you believe in Him and deny it. To fulfill His purpose in creating you will require you to live a radically different lifestyle. And right there is your personal Red Sea. Insurmountable. Because you live in a world and among nearly all people who are hellbent on you maintaining the status quo so you don't disrupt their quest for comfort and ease.
But God has a plan. He is waiting for you to step out of the norm. To be radical. To showcase your faith in Him (or not) by fighting the flow.
Paulo Coelho said in the much used quote, "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." With all due respect, that's absolutely false. The universe will NOT conspire to help you, it will fight you to the death. You however, can choose to win anyway and see the positive and opportunity in every trial. You must find real people who will conspire with you on your behalf. You were created to live an inspiring story. YOU…WERE. Period, no argument. You either accept that or deny it, but you can't be ignorant of it any longer or say it isn't true. And the story isn't about YOU. It's about God.
To walk it out, you must break apart from the massively forceful flow and current of life as you know it. The most supporting action I know of is…free agency. Self-employment. You MUST own your time and your days and your priorities. Satan's greatest desire is not really to turn you against God, as He knows he's going to lose in the end. So he settles for making you useless. For getting you to replace your story with a job and a TV remote.
Here is a recording I did with Justin Lukasavige Tuesday afternoon in a downtown park in Portland. You'll hear the noise of the city as we share some of what we learned at this Storyline Conference. If you can, take a moment to listen to a bit of it. I think you'll hear some new things.
*Hear the full Free Agent Underground Show, 'Expose Yourself', in the audio link at the bottom of the page
What if you invented the cure for cancer, or developed a phone that was better and cheaper than the iPhone? Would it matter if you had nobody who would listen to you?
NO. It would not.
In working with aspiring free agents, we are finding a specific deficit that must be addressed with more than a mere call out.
We work hard to help folks discover a viable idea that is relevant for them and the marketplace. Then we work on the deep level of brand...what is their product or service, who is the target market? And we develop a compelling brand that fills a distinct need. A snazzy website that serves as your storefront and a blog or podcast to broadcast your message and you should be in business...right?!
Wrong. Nobody knows you exist.
Wait...setting up a Facebook fanpage and a twitter account is not the answer. You won't organically go viral and the world will beat a path to your doorstep.
With all due respect, what we see happening is that folks hide behind their websites and social media efforts in hopes they don't have to actually step up and do real marketing and sales. That is a bit uncomfortable. We'd rather just take orders, eh?
Yeah, me too sometimes. But as Zig Ziglar says, if we believe our product or service can help people fill a need or desire, then it's our moral obligation to promote it to them.
To...expose ourselves.
If you survey a bevy of successful free agents, you'll find they ALL have a primary vehicle for exposure:
Someone with a large audiences is promoting them
They are running ads somewhere
They are doing speaking engagements
They got really lucky...which means after they worked their butt off to be prepared, they got an opportunity that gave them killer exposure. Like writing a book on cat blindness and you end up in a stuck elevator with Oprah and her cat who is...going blind. She tells the world and...instant top seller. Have you prepared anything for such an opportunity? And I'll tell you, if you DO have anything prepared, you can make such opportunities arise. Well, maybe not that specific one, but a good one nonetheless...
And do you know the point of getting exposure? It's not to make a sale! Did you hear that? Not at first. Sales come from building relationships. All you are looking for is to grow your audience. After a number of communications, a percentage will step up. And you MUST keep growing that audience. They are prospects. Some will come, some will stay, some will leave, some will eventually buy.
But you've got to be feeding it.
Where or what are you going to intentionally go after for exposure to be consistently building your audience?
On October 29-31 we'll be gathering with about 40 free agents to hit this head on and create a 6-month marketing plan at our Expose Yourself Intensive Event in Colorado. Dare to join us?!
To progress in free agency (self-employment) or really any aspect of life, you will have to change your circumstances. It won't happen amidst the normal flow of your life. And if you have family, it pertains to them just as much. Kevin & Justin discuss the realities in this show.
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